Wondering if your roof is secure for winter? Denver, Fort Collins and Colorado Springs all had vicious hail storms this year. It’s not a bad idea to have someone take a look to see if you have damage that could allow water into your house over winter.

New Roof Plus is certified as a Haag Certified Roofing Inspector. This means we have been trained at the highest level in the roofing industry to examine, identify and diagnose roofing problems. Our inspectors are from Colorado, they are certified and experienced. Read our reviews to see what others say but we take our business very seriously.
When you call New Roof Plus, you get a certified expert, who provides an expert free inspection and a free analysis and estimate – not some sales guy who drove his truck here from Tennessee two months ago, got hired in two seconds by a greedy roofing company to sell as many roofs as possible as soon as possible.
Be careful and discerning when choosing who you let up on your roof. Choose a truly local, highly trained roofing expert like New Roof Plus.